
adjacent teeth中文什么意思

发音:   用"adjacent teeth"造句
  • 邻接牙
  • 邻牙
  • adjacent:    adj. 1.毗邻的,邻近的。 2.(时间上)紧接着的。 ...
  • teeth:    n. tooth 的复数。
  • adjacent:    adj. 1.毗邻的,邻近的。 2.(时间上)紧接着的。 adjacent angle 邻角。 adjacent towns and villages 附近的城市和乡村。 be adjacent to 接近…。
  • adjacent a:    邻近的,紧接着的
  • adjacent to:    邻近的毗连的; 与…毗连的
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  1. Through the public education efforts of the department of health , dental practitioners and many of our good partners in the community , many people here , i believe , already know that an effective way to keep our gum healthy is to clean the adjacent tooth surfaces with dental floss
    所以我们须注意保护牙齿,避免患上牙周病。 ?生署、牙医和各有关方面一直都有向市民灌输护齿的常识,所以我相信在座不少人都已知道,使用牙线清洁牙缝是有效保护牙齿的方法。
  2. The advantages of this modified technique can be stated as follows : ( 1 ) healing was apparently faster . ( 2 ) postoperative pain was minimal . ( 3 ) depth of vestibular fornix was increased markedly . ( 4 ) frenum and muscle attachment pull almost completely relieved . ( 5 ) there was less possibility of exposing a dehiscence or creating bone 1055 on adjacent teeth . ( 6 ) a function - ally adequate zone of attached gingiva was numerically increased
    本改良法的优点,可归纳以下几点: ( 1 )手术伤口愈合快( 2 )术后疼痛小( 3 )口腔前庭宽度明显增加( 4 )颊系常及肌肉的拉扯,几乎获得完全改善( 5 )不易引起手术区周围齿槽骨的裂开缺损( 6 )固著性齿龈宽度的增加至为明显。




  1. adjacent submarine area 什么意思
  2. adjacent subpopulation 什么意思
  3. adjacent supplementary angles 什么意思
  4. adjacent surface 什么意思
  5. adjacent tapeturn 什么意思
  6. adjacent territory 什么意思
  7. adjacent to 什么意思
  8. adjacent to safety and relief valves 什么意思
  9. adjacent top-level goal 什么意思
  10. adjacent track 什么意思


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